Writing a Pharmacy Scope of Service Policy: Essential Tips for Success

Mastering the Art of Writing an Effective and Efficient Pharmacy Scope of Service policy.


The pharmacy department aims to establish a culture where the customer is always the focus of the operation and responsible for dispensing patient medication orders and prescription in a safe, accurate and timely manner, with proper and clear instruction to all patients (newborns, pediatrics, adults and geriatrics).

Pharmacy department internal customers vs external customers

When it comes to pharmacy practice, having a clear scope of service policy is crucial for success. The scope of practice in pharmacy refers to the activities and responsibilities that pharmacists are authorized to perform within their professional capacity. It outlines the boundaries and limitations of pharmacy practice, ensuring patient safety and promoting ethical behavior in the provision of pharmaceutical services.

The external customers of the pharmacy department are as follows:

  • Your Content Goes Here
  • Patients and their families
  • Insurance companies of all types.
  • Accrediting bodies (JCIA)
  • National inspection bodies (e.g., MOH, FDA, etc.)
  • Pharmacy departments from sister hospitals
  • Pharmacy departments from other neighbor hospitals

The internal customers are as follows:

  • Hospital board of owners & executives board members.
  • All pharmacy staff and their families (out and inpatient)
  • All hospital staff medical and non-medical and their families
  • Hospital administration & hospital directors
  • All Hospital wards, Departments (e.g., ER, OR, X-ray etc.) OPD clinics.
  • All Contracted Service staff.

What is a scope of practice in pharmacy?

Understanding the role of pharmacists in healthcare

Pharmacists play a critical role in the healthcare system. They are not only responsible for dispensing medications but also providing valuable patient care services. Pharmacists work closely with other healthcare professionals to ensure the safe and effective use of medicines. They contribute to the health and well-being of individuals and communities by optimizing drug therapy outcomes.

Defining the boundaries and limitations of pharmacy practice

The scope of practice in pharmacy defines what pharmacists can and cannot do within their professional realm. It clearly outlines the activities and services they are authorized to provide. This ensures that pharmacists practice within the boundaries set forth by regulatory bodies such as the state board of pharmacy. By clearly defining the scope of practice, pharmacists can also protect themselves from legal implications and ensure the provision of safe and quality care services.

Ensuring patient safety through clear scope of practice guidelines

One of the primary reasons why a scope of practice policy is essential in pharmacy is to ensure patient safety. By clearly stating the limitations and boundaries of pharmacy practice, potential risks and complications can be minimized. The policy can also outline the appropriate interventions and pharmacy services that can be provided to patients, ensuring that they receive the highest level of care and attention.

Addressing conflicts of interest in pharmacy services

Identifying potential conflicts of interest in pharmacy practice

Pharmacy services can sometimes be influenced by conflicts of interest. These conflicts may arise when a pharmacist’s professional judgment is compromised due to external factors such as financial incentives or personal gain. Identifying these potential conflicts is crucial to maintaining the integrity and trust of pharmacy practice.

Implementing measures to mitigate conflicts of interest

To address conflicts of interest, pharmacy professionals can implement measures to minimize their influence on decision-making. This can include establishing protocols for financial disclosure, ensuring transparency in business relationships, and adopting ethical codes of conduct. By implementing these measures, pharmacists can maintain their professionalism and prioritize patient well-being above all else.

Promoting transparency and ethical behavior in pharmacy services

Transparency and ethical behavior are key components of providing quality pharmacy services. By promoting transparency, pharmacists can build trust with patients and other healthcare professionals. This can involve disclosing information about the services they offer, any potential conflicts of interest, and the measures taken to ensure patient safety. In addition, pharmacists should adhere to ethical guidelines and professional standards to maintain the integrity of the pharmacy profession.

Enhancing pharmacy services for better patient care

Expanding the scope of services provided by pharmacists

In order to improve patient care, the scope of services provided by pharmacists can be expanded. This can include services such as medication therapy management (MTM), where pharmacists work closely with patients to optimize their medication regimens and ensure adherence. By expanding their scope of practice, pharmacists can have a greater impact on patient outcomes and contribute to the overall health of the community.

Collaborative practice agreements and their impact on pharmacy services

Collaborative practice agreements are another way to enhance pharmacy services. These agreements allow pharmacists to work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians, to provide comprehensive care to patients. By having collaborative practice agreements in place, pharmacists can have the authority to prescribe medications and make therapeutic recommendations, further improving patient care and medication use.

Integrating clinical pharmacy services into patient-centered care

Clinical pharmacy services play a crucial role in patient-centered care. By integrating clinical pharmacy services, pharmacists can actively participate in interdisciplinary health care teams and contribute their expertise in medication therapy management. This ensures that patients receive personalized care and have access to necessary pharmaceutical interventions. By working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, pharmacists can optimize patient outcomes and improve the overall quality of care.

Range of services or activities performed

Inpatient Pharmacy Services:

  1. Dispensing of outpatient prescriptions.
  2. Refill system.
  3. Repacking system.
  4. Compounding of certain preparations.
  5. Patient Counseling.
  6. Home medication deliveries.

All Pharmacy services carried out by qualified pharmacist, technicians and clerks.

Outpatient Pharmacy Services:

  1. Unit dose dispensing system including :
    1. Verifying all orders to assure accurate filling and dispensing of orders,
    2. Dispensing STAT orders within 20 minutes and routine medications within 2 hrs of receiving physician’s orders.
  2. Floor stock issuance and monitoring.
  3. Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) / LV. Admixture for injectable Antibiotics, Concentrated Electrolytes & Large Volume Services.
  4. Chemotherapy Preparations services.
  5. Monitoring the supply and use of Controlled and narcotic drugs.
  6. Compounding items which are not commercially available with the prescribed concentration or dosage forms.
  7. Patient & Family education.

Types of staff carrying these activities

The departmental schedule is revised monthly for better utilization of manpower. The Supervisor evaluates workload volume and adjusts personnel to meet demand. Off-duty pharmacists can be called in to meet work needs. Disaster response is in accordance with the hospital disaster plan.

Medication supply

Through Pharmacy Purchasing Department: to create purchase order for registered vendors then request the pharmaceutical item and store it in Main Drug Store, to be distributed to all hospital Pharmacies upon request.

Sites where service is provided

list pharmacy locations…etc

Times when service is provided (Put your own timing according to your policy)
The inpatient pharmacy operates 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week while, the outpatient pharmacy operates from 0800 hours to 21:00 hours Saturday to Thursday.

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